Coloring Sheet To Create Relaxation

~ Color to create relaxation and calm

~ Spend a cozy moment with a cup of tea and some time for art

Layered art with words.


Goal: words to work towards, where do you want to focus your attention for the year

How do you want to feel in your life? Create a stream of consciousness with concepts words and feelings. This is about your optimal positive nourishing feelings. Put them on paper.

Study your list and find the patterns. Read it over a few times. Read it out loud. Sleep on it. Take a walk and meditate on this list. What jumps out at you? What feels like a strong idea? Identify the words and concepts that really get you excited.

The objective of this exercise is to start narrowing down your list to 3 to 5 desired words. Whittle it down and make some tough choices. Spent some time looking at the definitions of words. Each word has its own components. Spent some time looking at the definitions of words. Each word has its own components. Start thinking about what qualities create this word for you.

For example, what does creativity feel like for you? For me, creativity felt like taking risks and trusting in myself.

After you found your top words and the two components (or words) that create a strong meaning in you and for you. Spend some time thinking about times when you felt these words and the experiences that went with them.

After you found your words and the two words that will go with each foundational word spend some time getting creative. Think about colors that represent the foundational word. Think about lines or shapes that would also represent this word. This is where you can start playing with ideas for your layers.
Create each lay with any medium you like (I use watercolor pens). Create patterns using black fine point pens. Finally layer in your two + words and then the = final word. Enjoy! Please feel free to share with me.
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