Mapping Out An Emotional Storm Guide


I created this map of the steps to take if you feel like your emotions are heading for an internal storm.

3 Documents two color, one with a border and one without, one black and white coloring sheet)

✔️Step one identify what’s happening.
✔️Step two what emotions do you observe.
✔️Step three what do you feel in your body.
✔️Step four, except what you’re feeling and notice what you’re telling yourself.
✔️Step five remind yourself that emotions are temporary. How will I feel five hours from now, how will I feel five days from now, how will I feel five months from now.
✔️Step six check the facts. Look at the assumptions you’re making and the interpretations, but also recognize that they are not the facts.
✔️Step seven does my emotion and or the intensity fit the facts.
✔️Step eight find a way to pick your favorite breathwork self-soothe or find a coloring sheet to color.

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