Colorful Place Relaxation Script

A guided mindfulness script has so many benefits for kids! Using a script is a relaxing and spacious way to encourage mindfulness with your child. From full-body relaxation exercises to fun adventures like visiting a colorful place, your child will have this special bonding time with you.

Using this tool is one of the best ways you can equip your child with calm throughout the day. Not only does it help kids on a big picture level when it comes to managing stress and anxiety, it has some benefits that help you, too. A July 2021 study found that elementary school kids who practiced mindfulness training slept an average of 74 extra minutes a night, that's something that benefits both kids and the adults around them.

Watch how your child relaxes and engages their imagination while they enjoy these relaxing stories. The more often you read these scripts, the more easily your child will relax and concentrate.

Enjoy and let us know if you have any questions.
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